What do you believe are the top priorities for improving educational outcomes in our district?

The top priorities for improving educational outcomes in Lake Travis ISD revolve around fostering an environment where both students and teachers can thrive. At the heart of this is addressing student and teacher retention. When we retain exceptional teachers and support students throughout their academic journey, we create the stability and consistency necessary for excellence in education. Here are my key priorities:

  1. Enhancing Teacher Retention Through Competitive Compensation and Support
    Our teachers are the backbone of our district’s success. Competitive salaries and robust benefits are essential to attracting and retaining top talent. Beyond compensation, we must prioritize meaningful professional development opportunities, mentoring programs for new teachers, and resources that allow educators to focus on teaching rather than administrative burdens. Teachers should feel valued, supported, and empowered to grow in their careers while making a long-term commitment to our district.

  2. Improving Student Retention with Tailored Support Systems
    Every student should feel engaged, supported, and connected within our schools. By investing in smaller class sizes, access to counselors, and programs that address diverse learning needs, we can ensure no student falls through the cracks. We also need to focus on mental health resources, after-school programs, and mentorship opportunities to foster a well-rounded, supportive educational experience.

  3. Building a Culture of Connection and Belonging
    Both students and teachers thrive in an environment where they feel they belong. Creating strong school cultures starts with inclusive policies and programs that emphasize mentorship, compassion and collaboration. Celebrating teacher and student achievements, encouraging parental involvement, and offering opportunities for all voices to be heard are crucial for fostering connection.

  4. Leveraging Data-Driven Strategies to Track Progress
    To improve outcomes, we need to collect and analyze data on student and teacher retention and use it to identify trends, challenges, and areas for improvement. By setting measurable goals and tracking progress, we can ensure accountability and make informed decisions to continuously improve our schools.

  5. Partnering with the Community for Long-Term Solutions
    The district cannot solve retention issues alone. We need to partner with parents, local businesses, and community organizations to offer resources, internships and other opportunities that enrich the student experience and support teacher development. These partnerships can provide additional funding, mentorship, and tools that benefit everyone involved.

Improving student and teacher retention is not just about numbers—it’s about creating an environment where educators can inspire, students can excel, and families can trust the district to prepare their children for a bright future. By prioritizing these initiatives, we can build a stronger Lake Travis ISD that ensures every student achieves their full potential.


How do you define educational success for students, and how would you measure it?


What is your stance on curriculum choices, including state standards and standardized testing.